This is episode 11 of my RPG podcast.

This will probably be a really quick one, but it is Tuesday.

Beautiful, slightly warm day in North Texas.

I am in my car in the parking lot with the windows down.

There is a guy sitting in his massive truck about a hundred feet away with the truck running.

I suppose so that he will have AC.

I don’t know.

Anyway, whatever.


Let’s talk about gaming real briefly.

We played our D&D 5th edition Swords & Sorcery campaign Sunday.

Fun was had.

I wrote it up on the campaign blog, which is linked to in the About page of this podcast homepage.

I should just say it.

It is

Anyway, there is a write-up there.

We had a lot of fun.

Threw the players a little curveball.

I am very pleased because it is the kind of curveball I could never have pulled off in my teenage years when our game was all about killing stuff and moving to the next room.

It is just so fun to play the way we are playing now.

I think I am having a great time with it.

The players seem to be loving it.

A couple of days later, my wife looked at me and said, that was really cool, that switcheroo thing you did.

She is enjoying it.

The other two guys are enjoying it.

It is tremendous fun.

I have some more fun, tricky things coming up for them.

What I was thinking with this last one.

I had an evil wizard impersonate the abbot of this temple that one of the players is a cleric of.

The other characters are somewhat affiliated with now to some extent.

Using the alter-self spell.

Alter-self is better than disguise-self because alter-self actually changes the voice as well.

What I really want to talk to the players about before our next session is that I didn’t just throw that in to thwart them.

It was a plan that the bad guys had.

I wrote down three different plans that were going on simultaneously because the villains are smart too.

I wrote down a few clues, a few lines of investigation that the players could undertake that would have discovered the possibility of this great fun thing happening.

Where the abbot was being impersonated and they just freely hand over the evil ritual book that they just retrieved to the bad guy.

I want to make sure the players really understand, and I think they already do.

It’s more for my benefit that everything I do in my game, I want it to make sense.

I don’t just throw stuff in without thinking about it.

At least nothing that’s that much of a monkey wrench into the player’s plans.

I really try to always make sure that things like that are discoverable and they have the means of dealing with it in some way.

A few other things that were kind of interesting in that session happened.

I’ll save them for another podcast, I guess.

The game’s going really well.

We’re just having a good time with it.

We’re playing again this Sunday, so looking forward to that.

Maybe we’ll play during the week this coming week, not sure.

The weekend after that I’m not going to be available for gaming, so we might try to squeeze in a weeknight session, I think.

That seems like it would be a good idea.

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts.

I’ve been listening to as much Roleplay Rescue as Che can churn out.

Nerds, RPG, VarietyCast, various others that I listen to.

It is fun to just be able to listen to people talk about their gaming experience and associated nerddom.

It’s inspirational, really.

What else is up?

I think that’s it for today.

I need to get back into my job.

Hope everyone is well.